I'm B. P. Hershberger! I wear many hats, but my favorites are listed here. While I juggle these responsibilities and passions, I am constantly working on improving my craft within each role.
I am a socially awkward one, there's no way around it. I've tried small talk, eye contact, and active listening, but just can't seem to nail conversations like others. But that's okay! That's one of the reasons why I write.
I've been writing since 5th grade. Long before my love of reading kicked in. Which kind of funny, since now I'm an avid reader of all things young adult and middle grade.
I've been calling rural Pennsylvania my home for years. This place has given me a unique experience to write from, and I've learned a lot about myself and my family in this environment. More importantly, I write most of my settings based on this location.
Currently, I've been self-publishing my stories with Barnes & Noble, and I am working on Amazon as well. You can check out my stories below. I find that most of my work takes on a fantasy element somewhere in there, even if that's not my intention at the beginning. 😂
I am currently a teacher at a local school teaching English, reading, and creative writing. I love what I do, but writing is my passion. I've included my publishing experience, though small, I intend to grow it. You can join my newsletter with the form at the end of this page as well! I won't spam you. I intend to send out a newsletter every month or two.